JUPITER: Timing The Trigger of the Big Picture

The time between July 21 and October 23, 2007 defines the moments when PLUTO passes in line of the Galactic Center two more times - the first time having been at the end of 2006. This event happens about once everz 248 years, and the last two windows in time were in 1760, when Halley comet was discovered, and in 1514, when Korpernicus first observed Saturn.

What is interesting this time around is that this happens simultan as Jupiter is also in Sagittarius and will make its own approach to the Galactic Center / Sabian Symbol is a Sculptor at Work / in the first week of December 2007, when Mars (in retrograde motion) is moving OPPOSITE of that point. The exact opposition moments for Mars to the Galactic Center are on 9/22/2007 and on 1/11/2008 and again on 2/22/2008.

This shows a quite volatile time ahead during these dates of fundamental transformative event zones. All this comes on the heels of the long standing Saturn-Neptune opposition which is - as we now know - indicative of tectonic shifts, tsunamis, earth movements, water shortages, replacement of oil as a source of energy, and all the themes associated with sustainable living. This is certainly also a reason why this astrologer has aligned himself early on with experts on subjects like safe place engineering.

If we look at Saturn as the bringer of form to these subjects, places of retreats and restraint, in constructive aspects for over a year to Jupiter that can expand these matters positively, then we see that these windows of time when Pluto makes its alignment with the source of wisdom in the Galactic center are well starred for ventures dealing with solutioning the problems we perceive on the horizon.

Pluto and Neptune - discussed at great length in FORESEEN - show and suggest that on the whole, as a humanity, we move from fear based thinking to a more conducive behavior to cooperation over the next decades. This is delineated with the time tables of planets shown below:

The time lines shown suggest a certain degree of caution is indicated for the window of 9/22/2007, a moment in which many forces align for a potentially explosive denouement. Mars again opposes the Galactic Center on 1/11 and 2/22 2008. Jupiter moves into Capricorn at the end of 2007 and spends all of 2008 in the sign associated with society, structure, and things of a perennial nature, giving 2008 an ambitious as well as down to earth character.


The planet ruling wisdom at large, and seen as a positive and benevolent influence on worldly affairs related to teaching, law, and the dissemination of higher concepts, spends in average one year in every sign, and takes roughly twelve years to move around the Zodiac, making it a sort of "hour hand" of the Cosmic design clock. Here are the next two cycles, or 24 years -- from 2009-2033 -- of Jupiter. The date shows the moment when Jupiter enters the new sign:

1st Cycle:

6 January 2009 Aquarius - 18 January 2010 Pisces - 23 January 2011 Aries - 5 June 2011 Taurus - 12 June 2012 Gemini - 26 June 2013 Cancer - 17 July 2014 Leo - 11 August 2015 Virgo - 9 September 2016 Libra - 10 October 2017 Scorpio - 8 November 2018 Sagittarius - 3 December 2019 Capricorn

2nd Cycle

19 December 2020 Aquarius - 29 December 2021 Pisces - 21 December 2022 Aries - 17 May 2023 Taurus - 26 May 2024 Gemini - 10 June 2025 Cancer - 30 June 2026 Leo - 26 July 2027 Virgo - 24 August 2028 Libra - 24 September 2029 Scorpio - 23 October 2030 Sagittarius - 15 November 2031 Capricorn - 30 November 2032 Aquarius - 2 December 2033 Pisces

Jupiter makes some remarkeable alignments during the next two years. The ones which this astrologer considers of great importance are the following:

11.11. 2008 Jupiter forms a sustained 120 degree angle to Saturn in Virgo which opposes Uranus in Pisces at that momemt, after the US Presidential election. Explosive to be sure.

8 June 2010 even more explosive Jupiter passes in line of Uranus in the 1st degree of Aries, inaugurating brand new concepts we wll be looking into when the DVD book FORESEEN will be seen.

October and November 2020 both Jupiter & Saturn pass in line of PLUTO at the end of the sign Capcricorn, and during the solstice days of 19-21 December 2020, Jupiter leaves Capricorn and enters Aquarius simultan in tandem with -- and line of -- Saturn. These will be the moments when earth will see entirely new energies at work. Until then, there is much Capricornian work to be done.