The Next Century

For astrologers - a quick look at the two major outer planets passages (ingresses) during the next century, here is a brief summary, please note the oppositions & conjunctions shown:

January 26, 2008: Pluto into Capricorn

January 21, 2024: Pluto aligns with Sun in 1st degree of Aquarius

March 9, 2043: Pluto into Pisces

April 12, 2048: Pluto opposes Uranus

Februray 24, 2068: Pluto into Aries

April 23, 2096: Pluto into Taurus

June 16, 2127: Pluto into Gemini

August 15, 2157: Pluto into Cancer

August 25, 2183: Pluto into Leo

February 4, 2012: Neptune into Pisces

January 27, 2026: Neptune into Aries

March 24, 2039: Neptune into Taurus

May 13, 2052: Neptune into Gemini

July 4, 2065: Neptune into Cancer

September 2, 2078: Neptune into Leo

September 5, 2092: Neptune into Virgo

November 22, 2105: Neptune into Libra

December 4, 2119: Neptune into Scorpio

December 20, 2130: Neptune into Sagittarius

(( January 31, 2137: Neptune opposes Pluto 8 Sag - 8 Gem ))

January 5, 2148: Neptune into Capricorn

January 16, 2162: Neptune into Aquarius

January 17, 2165: Neptune-Uranus conjunction at 7 Aquarius

March 20, 2175: Neptune into Pisces

Why is 2008 the crucial year with the entry of Pluto into Capricorn? The cycles of Pluto & Neptune, and also of Saturn & Uranus, show us how we move from a fear based society to a more enlightened world making crucial discoveries for humanity.


30 Oct 2009 into Libra

6 Oct 2012 into Scorpio

18 Sept 2015 into Sagittarius

21 Dec 2017 into Capricorn

17 Dec 2020 into Aquarius; conjunct Jupiter 22 Dec 2020

8 March 2023 into Pisces

14 Feb 2026 into Aries

13 April 2028 into Taurus

1 June 2030 into Gemini

29 June 2032 conjunct Uranus at 29 Gemini

14 July 2032 into Cancer

12 May 2035 into Leo

7 July 2037 into Virgo

6 Sept 2039 into Libra; conjunct Jupiter 1 Nov 2040 at 19 Libra


12 March 2011 into Aries

16 May 2018 into Taurus

26 April 2026 into Gemini

4 August 2032 into Cancer

7 August 2039 into Leo

August 2047 Uranus opposes Pluto


January 26, 2008: Pluto into Capricorn

January 21, 2024: Pluto aligns with Sun in 1st degree of Aquarius

March 9, 2043: Pluto into Pisces

April 12, 2048: Pluto opposes Uranus

Februray 24, 2068: Pluto into Aries

April 23, 2096: Pluto into Taurus

June 16, 2127: Pluto into Gemini

August 15, 2157: Pluto into Cancer

August 25, 2183: Pluto into Leo


February 4, 2012: Neptune into Pisces

January 27, 2026: Neptune into Aries

March 24, 2039: Neptune into Taurus

May 13, 2052: Neptune into Gemini

July 4, 2065: Neptune into Cancer

September 2, 2078: Neptune into Leo

September 5, 2092: Neptune into Virgo

November 22, 2105: Neptune into Libra

December 4, 2119: Neptune into Scorpio

December 20, 2130: Neptune into Sagittarius

(( January 31, 2137: Neptune opposes Pluto 8 Sag - 8 Gem ))

January 5, 2148: Neptune into Capricorn

January 16, 2162: Neptune into Aquarius

January 17, 2165: Neptune-Uranus conjunction at 7 Aquarius

March 20, 2175: Neptune into Pisces